- in or using several languages.
Et III annos memini Latineque Existimabam admodum aliquantulus.
I studied Latin for 3 years and can remember quite a bit.
درست اللغة العربية في جامعة ويمكن بالكاد تذكر أي شيء ما عدا القليل من القواعد
I studied Arabic in University and can hardly remember anything except a little grammar.
J'ai étudié le français à l'université aussi, et peut-être pourrais commander dans un restaurant français ou peut-être pas.
I studied French at University also and could maybe order at a French restaurant or maybe not.
Ich Deutsch studierte an der United States Defense Intelligence School in Washington, DC, und kann immer noch auf einem einfachen Gespräch zu führen.
I studied German at the United States Defense Intelligence School in Washington, D.C., and can still carry on a simple conversation.
.למדתי עברית בסמינר ועדיין יכול לקרוא קצת את התנ"ך
I studied Hebrew in seminary and can still read a bit of the Bible.
Σπούδασα στην ελληνική σχολή και μπορεί ακόμα να διαβάσετε ένα κομμάτι της Αγίας Γραφής.
I studied Greek in Seminary and can still read a bit of the Bible.
Estoy estudiando español ahora y avanzando muy lento.
I am studying Spanish now and making very slow progress.
I wish I could speak to every human being in the world in his or her own language and share with them
the good news of love, justice, and peace.
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