Monday, October 31, 2005

Another Reason Blogging Takes So Much Time

I hooked up my cordless keyboard to my laptop primarily because Alex decided he had to sprawl on top of the laptop's keyboard. I left my desk and returned to find a sleeping cat on both keyboards.


  1. Ah...but that's a TERRIFIC reason! :-)

  2. Another Reason Blogging Takes So Much Time <--- looks like the sort of post that would allow a casual visitor to just pop in and say hi. I read a little, was enlightened by blog as a whole.

    Catch me at Large Cat Furniture

  3. Jeanne: I suppose you are right. After all, I could always pick Alex up and put him is this “time out” room. But I don’t. I’d rather just slide him to another part of my desk.

    Abby: “Poor Alex?” When on my desk he pushes whatever he can onto the floor to make room for his tanning sessions beneath the high intensity light. I still can’t find my cell phone that I placed on the desk a couple of weeks ago.

    K-coop: Yes, Alex is cute—and he damned well knows it.

    Large Cat Furniture: Huh?
