Wednesday, April 26, 2006

All the Way There! (I hope)

Time to celebrate!

I did pass the second exam and all I now need to obtain my licenses is the form showing “proof of financial responsibility” that must come from the insurance company. I telephoned the manager before I left Frankfort and she’s out of the office. I suppose the ball is in her court. I’ve done my part!

If what manager has previously told me is true, I’ll be an employed agent on Monday!

Tonight I shall process the jokes I received last week and post them! I could use the humor as part of celebrating this exam ordeal!


  1. Yay, yay, yay!!!!! So pleased that you did well on this exam, too. Employment, here you come!

  2. Big congrats!!!! Well done! Now may the job come through as promised. ec

  3. Hey there! Good for you! Congratulations on your successful testing! I hope this is the beginning of wonderful things for you!

    Do something nice for yourself!

  4. That's wonderful! congrats!!! you must feel very relieved!

  5. Hi Nick ~~ What great news that should
    be the start of new experiences for you. Congratulations, you deserve it.
    Thank you for comments at my blog, and I especially liked the little poem -
    "the highway you travel Be lined with green lights" Thanks for that Nick
    and good luck for your future. Merle.
