Friday, August 11, 2006

Have you met Wandering Scribe?

As a blogger, Wandering Scribe may be unique. She writes of herself and her blog:

For the past five months I have been living alone in a car at the edge of the woods — jobless and homeless and totally unable to find a way out of it. I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't scream loudly enough, alI I can do is write. So here I am laying down tracks... hopefully the start of an online paper trail out of here.

I first learned of Wandering Scribe from the second BBC broadcast about her. Then I read the first BBC story online. Her story touched me and I looked for her blog. Although she posts sporadically—her last post was July 17—I really recommend you take a gander at what she has written. Take Wandering Scribe’s advice: start with her earliest posts and read to her latest.


  1. Thanks for the links. I had never heard of wanderingscribe or her blog.

  2. I also heard about her on the BBC, but never looked up her site. Thanks for the URL.
