Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wednesday Stuff

I’ve not yet gotten around to thanking

The comments to Monday’s post, LEST WE FORGET: The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. are quite noteworthy. There is some valid dialogue going on there, which, incidentally, one of the original goals I had for blogger. I, for one, never seek people to agree with my ideas, but I do seek people who willingly express their thoughts. That’s the way the ancient rabbis did theology: talking, debating, disagreeing. They had no bishops to create dogma, no professors to enforce politically correctness. The simply did God Talk, which is what the Greek origin of the word theology means. I really like that.

For a musical break, click over to Carol for Peace and watch the video Hey Hey Nancy addressed to Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi

Tomorrow I have two appointments with the VA medical folks, again at two different locations. I hope the bottled oxygen lasts me while I’m away from home.

Alex still has not been outside. The furball has, however, posted something about the nasty fluffy white water on his blog.

The next part of the Muffin Saga will highlight ways in which Muffin outsmarted me! Because of Thursday’s appointment, I shall most probably post it on Friday.

To end this post, I should like to share a song that I dedicate to everyone who has been up most of the night on the Internet: Virtual Party from the Peter, Paul, and Mary CD, Lifelines Live. Enjoy and smile:


  1. Hi! Good luck with your appointments for tomorrow. Make sure you rest as much as possible today. Preserve energy!

  2. Good luck with your appointments St.Nick

    I finally commented on your Jack Kerouac post

    I've been away

    "ON THE ROAD" Jack would say

    And tomorrow I'll be taking Dad Kerouac for his operation
    Never seems to be enough hospital beds in Ontario

    Take care

  3. Yes, God speed at your Va. appt. My ex is at the Dom in Pittsburgh Va. Hospital as I write this.

    It may be a bit scary, to have to worry if you have enough oxygen. I pray for your calm assurance.

    I am a CF carrier and my sons as well. My youngest son suffers. His oldest daughter and his newborn both have CF and the baby has MRSA, Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis and is a sick little fella. Your prayers would be appreciated.

    Somehow, I feel you are a TRUE man of God. You know what that means, don't you?

    Your thoughts on this post are very inspiring. You think as my Father, Angus Wootten, the great debater and founder, along w/my Mother, of MIA

  4. Thanks for spreading the word about Robert's music video!

    I'm wondering if your blog is infiltrating my dreams. I had a dream the night before last about a man on oxygen. I was supposed to be helping him and I didn't understand the instructions I was given for the oxygen. I guess I did the wrong thing at first and it wasn't looking so good, but then, in the NICK of time, I looked at my notes, pressed the correct button, and suddenly, life flowed beautifully.

    Read into it what you want - I have no clue...

    Peace, helpful office visits, and abundant oxygen to you.

  5. Good luck with your health appointments, Nick.

  6. I miss the fluffy white stuff sometimes.

    Hope it went well at the VA.

  7. This is a fine conglomeration of “stuff,” Nick.

  8. Did Alex leave those paw prints across your pager?

  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You have a lot of friends. May the force (oxygen) be with you!

  10. Hi Nick, Just wanted to let you know that I'm loving the Muffin Saga ! I can't wait to read the next installment. I'll be praying that things go well tomorrow, and that you can get in and out in record time.

    Love ya,

  11. Good luck with your appts. PP&M are the best, and I have been lucky enough to see them in concert. Cheers!!

  12. I hope your oxygen lasts. I can hardly wait until Friday for the next part of the Muffin story.

  13. I have never seen PP&M. LOL.

    I like your BBC news widget:)

    And, I posted some stuff today, too:)

  14. I like the new look!
    Hope the appointments go well and the oxygen lasts.

  15. I am very much enjoying your Muffin Saga. My own personal muffin saga revolves about the fat roll drooping over the top of my jeans which is not so fun.

    Hoping the nose hose holds out. Say that fast 5 times!

  16. (((Saintly)))) special wonderful thoughts Im sending your way....


  17. AND :) - I cant think of anyone mroe deserving of that lovely award.....


  18. Well, did your appointments go?

    BTW, Come on by and take part in the "Big Bang." It's easy, fun and your stats will take off.

  19. It's Friday and no post since Wednesday. I am more than a bit concerned.

    Please pop in to, at the very least, let us (or someone) know that you're ok.

  20. Just a note to say I’m OK.

    The only time the VA has acted quickly on the results of tests was when the tests indicated my blood oxygen level was down to 42% after walking up and down the isle. Yesterday’s tests must be repeated again in February. The audio tests indicated that I do have a hearing loss. The question is: is it bad enough for the VA to provide hearing aides. The blood test again indicated that I am “borderline” diabetic, whatever that means. I’m to return on February 13th, the day before my birthday, for another hearing test. No new blood test has been scheduled.

  21. Congrats on your latest award, Nick :) they're all well deserved!

    Will read the rest of the Muffin saga at a later date - these days there are too many people sharing one computer (sigh!)

