Friday, July 18, 2008

A Quick Update on Oxygen

As I wrote on Tuesday, my new supply of oxygen was delivered on Wednesday. The white tape at the top of the tanks indicates that they have not been opened. I have one small tank installed in my portable carrier and one large tank in the two-wheeled pull-push conveyer.

On Tuesday I obtained the name and telephone number of the VA person—Susan—who authorized the cut in my oxygen allotment from the company that is contracted by VA to supply the oxygen. She returned my call on Wednesday and. At my request, is reviewing my VA authorization.

Meanwhile, I don’t believe I’ll be needed much of the portable oxygen for at least a few days. Louisville is in the midst of hot and humid weather. I went to the drug store early Wednesday morning and the clerk—one of the neat things about conversing with just about everyone I meet is that he knows me and I know him—cautioned me about being outside in then heat of the day. The man from the power company did the same when he came to read my meter in the afternoon.

Thankfully, my ancestry is not 100% British so I don’t have to worry about fulfilling Noel Coward’s lyric, Mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun


  1. I wish we were at least having some sort of hot weather. It's supposed to be summer here in Lonon but it sucks. Seriously. Clouded over and horrid.

    Good luck in sorting out the rest of your oxygen. I can't believe they cut it :(

  2. MISS M: Thank you. It would be great to share some of this heat with you!

  3. Oh the humidity is hard on me, it triggers my asthma something fierce at times.
    sounds like things are doing better, and I am back online full force now. So I'll be in to comment more.

  4. Although I don't mind humidity, it does nothing for my asthma, which is a bit of a bugger in summer. But at least people are looking out for you, Nick. I hope you get the oxygen sorted out to your requirements.

  5. Even though we don't have any humidity here - which makes me SOOOO happy - we get really poor air quality days in the summer where people with any kind of breathing problems are told to stay inside (then there are the temperature inversions and pollution in winter with the same warnings). If it's not nature creating humidity, it's us humans destroying the air quality...

    I'm glad it was fairly easy to get the VA woman to look into the oxygen allotment. Hopefully, she'll do what's right.

  6. The filthy humidity has hit here too, after several days of clear cool weather. Awoke with a stuffy head feeling.....

  7. It hasn't stopped raining here for quite some time now. Even though the plants are lapping it up, the pony and the cat are getting rather fed up of it. However, it is warm. You take care of yourself.

    CJ xx

  8. MAMA BEAR: I’m glad that you’re back online full force.

    For years, even before my breathing condition was diagnosed and while I was still actively pastoring, when I would leave home in them mornings when the humidity was high, I would sit in my car gasping for breath until I somehow “normalized” and could drive to the church.

    PUSS-IN-BOOTS: This Ohio River Valley has some of the highest humidity in North America. Combine that with the allergens and pollution that hang in the valley and there are many folks here who have difficulty breathing, including my oldest son.

    I hope something can be worked out on the oxygen. I’ll keep pestering VA until it is.

    CAROL: I would think that poor air quality combined with the altitude—“thin air”—of Denver would cause folks to have breathing problems. When my younger son lived in Albuquerque—whose altitude is just a bit higher than Denver’s—I was walking uphill on a parking lot and almost collapsed because I couldn’t breath. That was years before my breathing condition was diagnosis or I was receiving oxygen treatments. So I can understand how the addition of polluted air quality would cause folks breathing problems in Denver.

    I am almost, but not quite, concerned about how quickly the VA woman agreed to look into my oxygen allotment. I was a bureaucrat for 12 years and know most of the games bureaucrats play to putt clients off.

  9. LAVINIA LADYSLIPPER: I would love some cool, crisp weather again! This being mid-July, I fear you and I shall have to suffer through the heat and humidity for a while. (The forecasted highs here are mid-90s for as far as the forecast goes).

    CRYSTAL JIGSAW: I know how fed up Alex gets when the “nassy water” falls from the sky. I can imagine how the pony feels. Alex is outside catting around at the moment. Yesterday he was outside in the hottest part of the day and I was concerned about the furball, especially since he was “high” on catnip. I shall not allow that to happen again.

  10. The weather here has been terrible humid and my asthma and allergies have played havoc with my sleep. Hope the the situation with these tanks gets sorted out soon.

  11. Ricardo: Same with the weather here, although the past couple of days have seen the highs from to below the 90s. Take care of your asthma! I find when weather is hot and humid my breathing problems seem to double.

    I’m hoping to have my oxygen allocation upped by VA to where it was by the next oxygen delivery. If not, then as the excellent strategist that I am, I have an alternative plan
