Friday, April 16, 2010

The Language of God

I have attempted not to preach in this blog (although I am a preacher) or to be denominationally exclusive (although I am an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ). I prefer to speak personally (and especially through stories). I prefer to be inclusive of all religions and peoples (because I am an ecumenist).

Today I received the very brief video belowthat was produced by the United Church of Christ. I don't think it preaches dogma or is ethnocentric. I do believe that this very short film expresses my belief of who I am because of who I believe God is.

So I pass it on to you and look forward to your comments and any dialogue that we may have.

NOTE: If the video does not play in the blog, please click HERE to go to its source.


  1. Nick,Alias the vid would not play for me.

  2. I didn't have any problems viewing it. Maybe if you view it on the UCC website, it will work better for you:

    It's a really cool little video, one that I don't think any denomination will have a problem with. It's very inclusive and inspiring. :)

  3. Love.

    That's what I experience when I watch this. And Nick, that's what I believe that you believe God is.

    Very well done. Thanks for sharing the video, my friend.

  4. Nice. From my viewpoint, God is still speaking, but we often forget to listen. It's all around us. All we have to do is open up.

    Thanks, Nick.

  5. Mike: Thank you for letting me know the video didn't play. Thanks to your information I have added a link to its source. I hope you received Thomas' advice and have seen the video. Blessings, my friend

  6. Thomas: Thank you for providing the link to the video's source.

    I agree that the video is cool. I doubt that many denominations would have a problem with it unless they caught on to the scene in which the two Lesbians have juts married. That might upset more than a few right-wing, homo-phobics.


  7. I liked it, it was very inspiring. Without words it definitely conveyed it's message. :)

  8. Carol: You are most welcome. I'm glad I did post it.

    I agree: LOVE is at the center of all. I wonder why there are people who can't perceive that?

  9. Lynilu: I fully agree with you. You know, perhaps it is more than we don't know how to listen than that we forget to listen. With all of the noise and distractions of modern life, unless we know how to cut through those to hear the chirping of birds, the whispering winds, voices of children, the whimpering of the abused, or the crying of the oppressed, we miss the language of God.

  10. SilverNeurotic: Thank you. You have reminded me of another point that I believe the video makes: God not only has not stopped speaking, but is speaking outside the pages of the Bible. I don't know why right-wing fundamentalists feel they must lock God up in the pages of The Book.

  11. I think it'a a wonderful video. As you know, I am not religious, Nick, though it is not for want of trying! But I do believe in LOVE.

  12. Welshcakes Limoncello: I think that one who is immersed in love doesn't really need formal religion. I put you, Pat, in that category.

  13. This is wonderful, Nick! I really like the video. Thank you, dear friend.

  14. Commendable video. Thank you.

  15. Abby & China Girl: I apologize for missing you comments until now. Thank you for your feedback.
