Marc showed Muffin and me some neat places, including an area in a city park where dogs were allowed to run free of leashes. Muffin enjoyed being free of a leash. Unfortunately there were no garbage cans in the park to explore. She did frolic on a hillside meadow and roll around in the grass. As Spring came, Muffin met other dogs and had the joy of sticking her nose around their butts. Such is a doggie’s life and joys.

The second is the one we, Muffin and I, chose. On our first visit Muffin had a physical, her doggie shots updated, and we purchased the dog license the county required. Caryl and Muffin got on well, which was good because they would see each other frequently over the coming years.
As I recovered from the bout of pneumonia and the time approached for me to leave for Tucson , I began looking for a permanent home for us. I’ll admit that my primary concern was finding a place that was doggie friendly. After several days of looking, I found what I thought a good place. However, before I signed the rental contract, I took Muffin for a visit.
It was a large, multiple building apartment complex. Running along one side was a creek, which was unique since the complex was in the city. Throughout the complex were grassy areas perfect for doggie walks. The day I took Muffin for the visit, we explore everywhere. Muffin even made the acquaintance of two other doggies who lived there. And I learned what my sons meant when they said that Muffin was a “babe magnet.”
Part XII of The Muffin Saga will be published next Sunday.
Part XII of The Muffin Saga will be published next Sunday.
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