Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Old Photos

Is it egotistical to publish pictures of one’s self? I somewhat think it is. However—which means “disregard that last sentence”—I was looking through some old pictures to find one of my sister and me to create a birthday card for her and came across a bunch of very old pics.

Here are a few:

On the lap of my maternal grandmother (Nana to me) who died when I was 4 years old.

Cowboy Nick

Fireman Nick

Huck Finn Wannabe Nick

Carpenter Nick w/Sister Debbie


  1. Nice pics nick. I loved the huck finn one to the hilt.
    Someone said, a part of you stays behind in your photos. So when you look at your photo, it's not just a piece of cardboard paper--it's a part of your essence you're staring at. I feel it's true.

  2. Good pics, in that last one it looked like the ball-peen hammer was headed toward the thumb. :) Wonder how many folks still have that type hammer? ec

  3. cool pictures, Nick. You have a very nice blogsite!

  4. You were rather like "tinker, tailor, soldier, spy."

  5. I love these pictures, Nick!!! I'm glad you have shared them.

  6. Good pictures, Nick. Didn't your grandmother go to Salem?

  7. Great pictures. I've never seen the one of Nana holding you.

  8. I remember your showing me these. You were a cute kid. I miss you. Did you get my new email address?

  9. Awwww, do you have more?? Share more if you have them. I LOVE old pictures, hours and hours and hours over them and still not be bored.

    The cowboy Nick is my favorite one.

    ec - you know I have a ball-peen hammer, cuz I found it at a yard sale for a buck. LOL!

  10. Yes! Post more old pictures. I really enjoyed these.

  11. You were a cute kid and your sister was a doll.

    I agree. Post some more old pics. I enjoy seeing them, too.

  12. those were great. I love old pictures. Looks like it was Illinois or Indiana there in the background!

  13. Wow! I never expected so many people would comment on a few old photographs!

    kylee: Your welcome and thank you for the visit and comment.

    vishwa: I agree: behind in photos. I had not really looked at these until yesterday. Now I am seeing, if not my essence, than that of the family members who are in them. Looking at them at the very least sharpens and may even re-define my memories of people and past times.

    mreddie: It’s a good possibility that the ball-peen hammer was headed toward the thumb! Of course, I was probably posing. My sister and I were inside a playhouse that was built for us by our uncle (I think).

    j: Thanks—for both remarks.

    azsonofagun: I’d not thought of “tinker, tailor, soldier, spy!” I am trying on a lot of roles in those pictures. Come to think of it, I have played as many or more roles in my life!

    thomas: Please do scan and post some of your old photographs. I look forward to seeing them. P.S.—it is a fun thing to do!

    punkmom: Thanks you! With all of these comments, I have decided to post some more.

    ex-louisville guy: Thanks. Yes, she went to Salem. Her name was Anna Hertle.

    debbie: Thank you!

    candy: I think I did share them when I first found them last year. I miss you, too.

    m: Thanks.

    milkmaid: Yes, my dear, I have more. And specifically in response to your request I have posted more of them today. I have a lot of “Cowboy Nick”—I could possibly create an entire post out of them.

    abby: Thanks. I counted your vote in deciding to post more old photographs.

    mike: Thanks. Cute? Maybe. Doll? I suppose she was, but to me my little sister was more of a pain in my ass. Come to think of it, she still often is.

    jay are: Thanks. The backgrounds are all Louisville, Kentucky.

    jody: Awesome, dudette!

  14. damn it's a wonder your mom didnt have you being a modle and geting paid for it

  15. chica: Thanks, but I don't think I was/am that photogenic!
