Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving Blessings

Alex and I are celebrating Thanksgiving together. This is a first for me. No, I am not cooking a turkey; I am microwaving a turkey dinner. Yes, I will share the turkey with Alex. No, I will not share the pumpkin pie with Alex.

Have a Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving!


  1. Hello Nick!'

    Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. PLease give the kitty some of your pumpkin pie! It is Thanksgiving you know! Nice blog you have here. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving Nick! Nice meeting you... Catch

  2. Hey A very Happy Thanks Giving weekend to you.

  3. funny garfield cartoon thnx

    u have a fun tday

  4. Nick, happy turkey day. Sorry you won't be with your family. But I am certain Alex will very much enjoy the dinner!

  5. I hope you & Alex have a great day!

  6. Happy Thnaksgiving to you and Alex, Nick!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, Nick. I hope there's enough of that frozen meal for both of you.

  8. I hope you and Alex are having a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

  9. thank you for the good wishes and I hope you shared your pie!!!! ;))

  10. Happy Thanksgiving, Nick!

    can't blame you for not sharing the pumpkin pie with Alex. Sometimes we cat servants have to have our own food ;)

    (as you saw on my post, Mr. Wonderful and I will be eating leftover turkey for quite a long while ;)

  11. Happy Turkeyday, Nick (and Alex)

  12. Gee, I think you're being pretty generous. At our house, Sapphira just got gravy on her cat food to celebrate, no pie OR turkey. Of course, we didn't have turkey, so that might explain it. We had steak instead. And I'm not sharing my steak unless there's a reason more compelling than just being cute!

    Hope you had a happy day, filled with good memories and fond hopes.

  13. I went to my dad's house to fix dinner for the family there. I cooked a 25# bird with all the trimmings. My dad's dog got a whole lot of leftovers, but because the leftovers stayed with dad, our poor kitties didn't get a thing.

    Not to worry though, I bought a turkey and will fix it Sunday so my "kids" can have left-overs too.

    PS: I hope Alex talked you out of pie.
