Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Imagine Peace Tower

John Lennon

October 9, 1940—December 8, 1980

I would have missed the significance of today had it not been for this post by Thomas referring me to this by Yoko Ono:

The Imagine Peace Tower

Nick’s Bytes

Dona Nobis Pacem

June 4, 2008

Imagine Peace


  1. I miss John...

    Yes, may peace prevail.

    Thanks Nick!

  2. "All we are give peace a chance."

    We lost a wonderful poet, songwriter and "peacenik" when John was killed...

  3. Weird. I was listening to John Lennon today in the car, I never even realized it was his birthday.

  4. Peace is so hard to imagine with all the difficulties surrounding us...I suppose that is why this always resonates so is something to always strive for!

    I tagged you for something over at the nest...come visit!

    The Egel Nest

  5. Carol: I, too, miss John. I am realizing that the older I get, the more I miss him.

    Squirl: Perhaps I identify with his legacy because I have discovered that central to my own being is asking the question What if…

    Akelamalu: Yes, I do, too. I don’t find imagining peace difficult; I wonder why a world at peace is so difficult.

  6. Poetikat: Since I first encountered Yoko’s blog I have come to realize how special she and John were.

    Thanks for letting me know that I had no ling to the furball’s photos. I have now put one on the sidebar.

    Puss-in-Boots : Yes, that follows Imagine, doesn’t it?

    Silverneurotic: Had it not been for Thomas’s post, I wouldn’t have either.

    The Egel Nest: I’ll come over now, Bradley.

  7. Another wonderful post! I've missed to many and as I catch up I am again awed how great your blog is. Thank you, Nick.
