Painting by Darkest Artist
Last night I took a quiz on Facebook that was supposed to determine what writer I am most like. I came out as Hunter S. Thompson:
Well hot damn. You are a hard-drinking, hard-living adrenaline junkie with a taste for fast vehicles, altered perception, and dangerous firearms. You also have a remarkably strong sense of justice, and a very distinct moral compass. Good god, man, people keep expecting you to meet a grisly, messy end, but we all know damn well that you're not going out unless it's on your own terms... you simply won't take any guff from these swine! Mahalo.
OK, I love Hunter, his writings and his weirdness! I've read most of his books and agreed and disagreed with his insights and laughed a whole lot. But I don't think that I am like Hunter, except maybe the line in the description that says You also have a remarkably strong sense of justice, and a very distinct moral compass.
Besides a sense of justice and a (unique) moral compass, the main thing that I share with Hunter is that we were both born and grew up in Louisville, Kentucky. When he has written about his childhood I have recognized places from my own childhood. That has been fun.
I suppose that must admit that I, like Hunter, am also a bit of a rebel and maybe, just maybe, more than just a bit exocentric. Hunter had a way of cutting through the bullshit of this America of ours and revealing the corruption and absurdity that most of us overlook because we don't realize (or want to acknowledge) that it is there. I applaude that about Hunter's writing.
I have blogged about Hunter Thompson several time before and will probably write about him again. It is an honor to be compared to him, even if I don't put much faith in these quizzes.

Hunter, I miss you!
But I still have your books!
But I still have your books!
The Kitty Kids and I are in Need

I have never read his work! He sounds fascinating though! :) I gotta try this myself!
ReplyDeleteI've never read hunter but if you say he's good I believe you. :)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE that "courage" poster. I may have to copy it, and print it for my office. Maybe my new coworkers will be scared, and leave me alone. Ha! (just kidding!)
ReplyDeleteDeb & Akelamalu: He's an excellent read and if you've never experienced Gonzo journalism you have a treat coming.
ReplyDeleteCallie: Hey, that's a grand idea! I wish I had thought of it (and has the graphic) back when I had an office. Go for it!
That did seem a strange comparison!
ReplyDeleteNow I have to go and visit that poster website!
Liz: Go for it!
ReplyDeleteHe was a brilliant mind so you're in good company. It was unfortunate that he saw fit to end his life. But he lived on the razors edge and did things on his terms.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I liked the old Hunter too and saw him at a question and answer session in a public hall once.
ReplyDeleteHST was a very cool guy.
ReplyDeleteHe was definitely not afraid to be different.
ReplyDeleteWe need people like Hunter - and people like you!
ReplyDeleteI especially like the quote that begins "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone..."
I know of Hunter Thompson, yes, even Downunder...As for being eccentric, you're an Aquarian, renowned eccentrics of the Zodiac.
ReplyDeleteSounds like we all should check into reading a little Hunter. I took the dog breed quiz twice and both times, I came out as a lap dog and gezz the same damn one. Peace
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely going to check it out now. I needed something new to fall on literacy-wise. Thank you!
ReplyDeletewhat is the name of that documentary on him I loved it a term paper dream
ReplyDeleteSo he would have been 75 today?