Thy shall not take thyself seriously ~ The 11th Commandment
The only thing that makes life possible is permanent,
intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.
~ Ursula K. LeGuin
Whatever it is, embrace it and remember it because it might just be these little things that make life worthwhile. ~ Enola Reverof
The only thing that makes life possible is permanent,
intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.
~ Ursula K. LeGuin
Whatever it is, embrace it and remember it because it might just be these little things that make life worthwhile. ~ Enola Reverof
September 16, 2009
- 03:20 AM Awake after 5 hours sleep; switch from C-PAP to nose hose; upper respiratory congestion/hard to breath
- 03:35 AM Take meds; sit until able to breath; BBC World Service on radio
- 03:50 AM Breathing OK; feed, water, groom, hug, pet Alex; open front door for the cat who owns me; BBC World Service on radio
- 04:20 AM health measurements & breakfast; BBC World Service on radio
- 04:40 AM Alex: snacks & hugs; BBC World Service on radio
- 04:55 AM Online: news/bank account statement/emails/Facebook; BBC World Service on radio
- 05:15 AM Morning prayers & mediation
- 05:50 AM Join Alex in an early morning nap
- 08:10 AM Coffee on the deck while playing with Alex
- 08:35 AM Draft & post FaceBook comment: I don't believe that President Carter is speaking of those who disagree with the policies or philosophy of President Obama as they would if he were a "white man," but of the "... inherent feeling among many in this country that an African-American should not be president."
- 08:45 AM: Dudes here (much too early) to cut grass; Alex frightened by sound of gas-powered trimmer & blower. Hold/cuddle Alex until trimming ends.
- 09:05 AM: Another FaceBook comment written & posted:"Theologians have found a similar relationship regarding the belief in angels: when times are changing or rough or frightening, angelology is prevalent only to almost disappear when times are more serene (whenever that is)."
- 09:10 AM Various telephone calls. Unable to reach human beings at AT&T or Direct-TV. Talked with humans at bank & VA.
- 09:20 AM Prep for visit by my physcian from MD2U.
- 09:30 AM Use portable oxygen tank; walk down the street ro where my CR -V is parked; drive CR-V back to parking spot in fron of my house.
- 09:45 AM After parking car, watched a well disciplined cat (not Alex, who doesn't meet the criteria) chase a squirrel across its lawn but stop at the curb when squirrel ran into the street. I was amazed that the cat didn't follow the squirrel into the street.
- 09:55 AM Claudette, my doc from MD2U, arrived. Good examination; again she was pleased with my health. On Saturday Claudette is leaving for three weeks of hiking around Europe. She has promised to make me a CD of the pictures she takes in Europe so that I can go on the trip vicariously.
- 10:30 AM I sent Naeema, my new care giver, to the drug store to pick up a prescription refill that Claudette called in.
- 10:45 AM Posted another comment in response to Bill on Facebook: The Klu Klux Klowns article is accurate & more than a bit concerning. I've been a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center for years; their "Klan Watch" has reported stuff that is more than concerning. It is frightening.
- 10:55 AM Printed a copy of Monday's T.I.B.M. post for Naeema.
- 11:00 AM Read a few chapters of current mystery book
- 11:40 AM Replied to note regarding this video: Cute cat, isn't it. Alex, of course, did not LOL when he saw it. I think that's why he used his blog to tell the world that that cat is weird.
- 11:50 AM Alex and I went out on the deck; he sunned himself and I read.
- 12:35 PM Lunch/watch end of CSI
- 01:10 PM Can't find Alex
- 01:50 PM Found Alex! Naeema had shut himl in the food pantry. Lots of snuggling of the silly furball, whose exploring keeps getting him into trouble. Why didn't the furball meow while I was searching for him for 40 minutes? Damn! He really scared me.
- 02:20 PM Down for long afternon nap.
- 06:05 PM Awake from nap;treats and snuggles for Alex.
- 06:15 PM Get and read snail mail out of mailbox. Damn! A $70.00 water bill! (Only $18.00 is for water; the remainder are miscellaneous charges, such as sewer tax and rain water run-off charge, etc).
- 06:20 PM Refresh Alex's food; put potato in microwave for me.
- 06:35 PM Dinner/watch NCIS on TV
- 07:05 PM Snuggle Alex and hand him some cat treats
- 07:15 PM Telephone my mother: she told me in detail everything that she did today, including her 4 visitors and what each said.
- 07:35 PM Out on the porch with Alex and a book, hoping to watch the sun set.
- 08:05 PM It becoming too dark to read outside, I came in to play with the Farm Town game on FaceBook. Alex remains on the porch, looking for a buddy with whom to cat around. I left the door open so he can come in whenever he wants.
- 08:20 PM Alex stampeded into house and leaped on my desk and demanded to use the computer to work on his blog, Alexicon.
- 08:30 PM Gave up on using computer since Alex in now sleeping in front of it. So I went into the living room to watch TV.
- 10:10 PM Saddened by the death of Mary Travers from leukemia.I posted this to FaceBook: I just learned of her death. I knew that her leukemia had her hospitalized and that her death was imminent. I miss her already. Did you know that she was from Louisville? I first met Mary when I was in high school. I spoke briefly with her again after I was discharged from the army and P,P,&M played a concert here.
- 10:40 PM Alex clawed me to open the front door for him. He's sitting in the doorway, looking out. I am beginning to put together this blog post.

On line at 5:00 AM

Claudette, my MD2U physcian

Naeema, my 9-hours-per-week care giver

My latest mystery (in second library)

Flag Counter for Nick's Bytes

My Farm Town farm

Alex & the Pantry

Alex & Alexicon
I Miss You, Mary Travers
Wow Nick, how do you fit all that in and have time for furball owner.
ReplyDeleteWas funny to see Farm Town and know that I can see I am one of your neighbours, lol.I think my blue hair is very fetching.
Have you ever heard of putting your feet up!!!!
much love,
Lia xx
You know, I run the local chapter of the Direct Care Workers Association. I love that you put pictures of your home health aides up! They are really wonderful people, aren't they?
ReplyDeleteI have been sitting here trying to figure out how much time you spent "serving" Alex. Wow! Nick, you really are the servant of your cat.
ReplyDeletei luv the pic of Alex on the desk!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGosh Nick you do have a busy day!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics.
Hmmmm... this post has so much!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed "meeting" your physician and caregiver.
I noticed that Alex really knows how to get his needs met - except when he's locked in the pantry. I think that he's a full-time job!
I thought the 11th Commandment was: THOU SHALLT NOT GET CAUGHT ~~!
ReplyDeleteGoodness, Nick -- that's quite a busy day you had!
ReplyDeleteYeah, losing Mary is sad. It also saddened me to hear of Patrick Swayze. I wonder who #3 is gonna be?
Have a good weekend. Alex, too. =)
I miss Mary, too. Crummy few months for losing good people. Teddy and Walter especially.
ReplyDeleteYour care giver and MD look like such nice people!
Gosh, Nick, I'm ashamed when I read how much you fit into your day! I was sad about Mary Travers too. I've still got the original 45rpm of "Blowing in the Wind".
ReplyDeleteOh my, Claudette is lovely.