Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Was Going to, But I Didn't

Last week I wrote in the comments of my Friday blog post that today (Tuesday) I would post more about my views regarding President Barack Obama becoming a Nobel Peace Prize Laurette. I've made several attempts to write such a post, but trashed (deleted) each.

The deletions were not because I have lost the pride I feel as an American in the awarding of the Nobel to my President. I remain very proud! Rather, I deleted what I wrote because, as I read each draft, I found that what I was saying was not only ethnocentric, but also pejorative towards those who had a different opinion of the Nobel award.

I believe that each of us has a right to our own opinions. More than that, in democratic societies we each have the obligation to have opinions and to share them with others. Therefore, I accept and celebrate whatever your opinion is of President Barack Obama becoming a Novel Peace Prize Laurette

That said, let me move on to something more personal that I am celebrating'

Yesterday afternoon I posted on FaceBook these words:
My physical therapist just left. Today I achieved my goal of walking down the street and around the corner to the coffee house and back!

The two series of physical physical therapy that I have undergone in the past few months have not only renewed my ability to walk a couple of blocks, but have also reopened a part of life that has been closed much too long. I am very thankful to the physical therapists, Jo and Robert!

Robert, my last physical therapist

Jo, my first physical therapist

I began weightlifting, which became body building, with a set of weights that I received for Christmas when I was 13-years-old. By the time I was 15-years-old I was developing into a, uh, hunk. (I have tried to locate a photo of myself from that period, but could find none. I believe that they are in boxes of photos that my ex-wife borrowed about 11 or so years ago).

I continued exercise discipline until midway through my university years when other pursuits (including pursuing) took priority. Through the years there have been periods in my life when exercise was important; however, there were others when I didn't even think about it.

As most of you know, about six or so years ago I fell apart-- physically, spiritually, socially, mentally, financially, and emotionally. I am not going into the details (if you scan through the 1,330 posts in this blog, you will be able to piece together most of the story).

I have been healing slowly over the past six years. These sessions of physical therapy have been primary in that process. I am doing things today that I could not do just a few months ago. Yesterday's walk was not only the achievement of a goal, but a renewal! This morning I again walked up the street to Frankfort Avenue and its little shops. Tomorrow I plan to do the same.

I may never again be the hunk I was 48 years ago, but think I am becoming a functioning senior citizen!

My Schwinn Airdyne has also become a part of my exercise routine.


  1. Your achievement is fantastic Nick - well done to you! The more walking you do the fitter you will become and so on and so on - Fantastic!

  2. It sounds like you have had good therapists and you have worked hard. I'm so happy that you have improved and can now go exploring in the world. Feeling the freedom!

  3. About Obama and the NPP .... we need to remember that this is not something he put himself in the running for. I don't know by whom or how he was nominated, but it's not a self-glorifying process. That being said, I think it was a bit early to make such a nomination. As much as I support our President, he's not proven yet. The fact that he is our first Black President has alone made some changes in our relationship with the rest of the world, but IMO, that's not enough. Not yet. I wish this were 1-2 year from now and we could all see the impact of his presidency. It's just poor timing, IMO.

    And as to your health improvements .... Nick I'm SO happy to hear of each step forward! Bless those PTs! About being hunky, I have to say that I hope your physical condition returns to a more positive, healthy state, but you know what REAL hunkiness is, IMO? Spiritual, emotional and intellectual hunkiness is the bomb, and that, you've got!

  4. That's great news Nick... soon you will be running up that block!

  5. Nick,I applaud you on the gains you are making.I may never the skinny kid I was as well.I just want to get back down to a reasonable weight.I have mananged to lose a total of 25 lbs so far.I still have at least 40 more to go.

  6. Od course, I delighted with the Pres. getting THE Nobel. I am much more delighted, Rev Saint, about your progress! Congratulations, my friend! I expect a visit from you to me here in the desert soon!

  7. Nick, I have to say that I am so PROUD of your achievments this week!! Getting back on your feet after falling is a hard task, but is worth it :) I am so happy for you!! ((hugs))

    And as for the presidential misc, well you know what, that's why I like tlaking with you in the first place. because it's not a yelling match, it's simple disagreement and we get along just fine. I will always want to hear your views though, as it makes me think and change and grow. You have a sound reason Nick. I appreciate that.

  8. It's wonderful to read these milestones and I wish you lots of happy walks in future years.

    CJ xx

  9. Congratulations, my friend!

  10. well nick i had ideal what you had been going thru but i am very happy to know you are doing better as for my self i am back with a all new pc and internet so i am going to try the blog thang agian. Hope to chat with you soon! love your friend Tiffany aka old house keeper
