Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Monday's (TBIM) Jokes on Wednesday

If you read Nick's Bytes on days other than Mondays, you are aware that I have been engaged with a couple of greenback-eating dragging who were/are consuming my greenbacks. Thus, posting Too Bad It's Monday jokes has not been high on my priority list.

Yesterday (Tuesday)  I invested three hours in putting together what would have been an excellent Monday's (TBIM) Jokes on Tuesday post; however, while attempting to correct a formatting problem, I lost the entire post. Rather than going a week without a Too Bad It's Monday post, I offer you just a partial one featuring exclusively...



  1. haha.. loved the kitteh in da hood ;)

  2. There are days/weeks that we need to be OK with what we are able to do, and I enjoyed the kitties a lot! Peace, Nick. :)

  3. Nick great cats!as you know I have been dealing with my own 3 ring circus of my own making.It is a good day today.

  4. Hello!

    found this site just randomly..and as i love fashion and all the things that comes with it thought it would b a good idea to join...hope ur all friendly..:D

    Take care, Dennis from [url=]My Online Payday[/url] website!
