Sunday, July 30, 2006

Tying Up Loose Ends

Here are updates to some of my most recent blog posts:

A 17-year-old Indiana high school senior has been charged with the sniper shooting on the Indiana Interstates north of Louisville. As the story has unfolded, he became angry withy some fellow hunters and drove to an overpass over Interstate 65, where he began shooting at on-coming vehicles. The boy wounded one man and killed another.

To me, the whole event is a tragedy, for the victims and the kid.

We had a few days of heat relief, with the temperatures dropping into the 80s and 70s. However, that’s now over and we’re back in the 90s again for today and next week. The present temperature here is a muggy 88. Alex has re3fused to go outside and play, even though my home air conditioning is still not working. The present indoor temperature is 84. Alex, who just had his second supper, is stretched out on the hardwood floor in my livingroom, beneath the ceiling fan.

The church is for sinners. Anyone who says differently speaks heresy. As for saints, all saints are sinners, although all sinners aren’t saints.

The huge tree limb that was blocking my mother’s drive came from the yard next door to hers. Neighbors removed it the next morning.

1 comment:

  1. Nick, in following on from the last post, i just wanted to say that i find you are in a wonderful position as having a past career in social work & your religous background, to able to point those who are not in a financially affordable situation to buy insurance, elsewhere for assistance. By doing so, i'm sure you're helping many who are in caught in the middle :o)
