Tuesday, September 26, 2006

There is Something about Mondays.

This afternoon I was messing about this blog and came upon the graphs relating to visitors to Nick’s Bytes.

So it seems that there is something about Mondays: more folks seem to read my Monday’s blogs than another day, if just by a percentage point or two. Could it be that on (most) Mondays I post the best jokes I received in my previous weeks emails? If so, perhaps I need, as Merle does, to post jokes and cartoons every day? The question is: where would I find that many jokes? What I receive in my emails vary each week, both in quantity and quality.

I do have that book of cartoons entitled, The Lighter Side of Church Life. I could scan and post those each day, at least until I run out. I wonder if that would bring more blog readers? I wonder if that would increase the Google AdSense clicks, that are now earning me a penny or two a month? I wonder…

Hell, sometimes I, like Shakespeare’s Brutus, think too much!


  1. Nick, maybe you could use the book of cartoons or some other humorous item and feature it daily along with your regular post?

  2. I don't think posting a graphic is going to make you show up better in search engines. You need to add the keywords people are searching for, words like "naked" and "porn."

  3. i like the cartoons but i like what u write more

  4. I see the fewest vistors are on Wednesday. I'm here today and will be back tomorrow even you you don't post funnies. I like what you write.

  5. Why does that last cartoon seem so familar? :) ec

  6. Hey, Saint, don't worry about the readers, just write and post. That'll keep me coming back.

  7. Hmmm-

    Well, I do come for the jokes-

    but also to see how you've been doing...

    & besides today's Thursday:)

  8. I find the weekends to be very quiet around the bloggersphere, and also Tuesdays for some reason.
