Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Computer Case Nesting

There is a fur-ball of a cat sleeping on my notebook computer case. Of course, I don’t blame Alex. It is cold here—outside and, with no income, inside my house. My library has no carpeting and so, when I am in it and Alex wants to be near me, he nests to nap on my computer case. I can’t say that I blame him.


  1. Nick, any luck contacting the Kentucky State employment board for the pay that is owed you by the insurance company? Surely, they can pursue this company for you.

  2. That is adorable, Alex computer case nesting. I wouldn't blame him either!

  3. Does Alex have a cat bed? Maybe you could bring that into the library? Someday you may want to put your computer in ts case.

  4. Now that looks like real comfort. :) ec

  5. If you and Alex are cold, come for a visit. The high in Tucson tomorrow is to be 72.

  6. My cat always looks so comfy when she nests somewhere....your Alex is pretty!!! You can always get another case for your computer! LoL

  7. Hi Nick ~~ Alex looks so comfortable and at least your computer is safe from spilt coffee !!. Glad you liked the "Has Been" story .Take care, Nick
    Regards, Merle.

  8. Alex is so cute! and he's all white, just like my Aleks :)

  9. OMG...I so do miss having my cat around. But I know I am too busy to be a proper pet owner. I will just live vicariously.


  10. Must be a GREAT TIME OF YEAR for you! ~ jb///

  11. Nick, have you checked into any kind of unemployment insurance or disability programs? CT has a program for heating costs for people with little income, perhaps KY has something similar? Good luck.

  12. Aww. Cute cat. I have a ferret, and his favorite place to nap is my drawer where I formally kept my banking stuff (yeah, I'm REALLY organized. So I had to change drawers and fill an empty drawer full of ripped up papers that he could nestle in.

    The things we do for our pets.

  13. Alex does look mighty comfortable there. Sorry it's not as easy for you to stay warm.
