Friday, April 04, 2008

Forty Years Ago Today, I Cried


  1. At the time I was 10 and really did not know to much of Dr Martin Luther King nor the assassination. I have come to appreciate the man and what he stood for so much more afterwards. Things changed because of his movement and it makes one wonder how things would be today if he were still around.

  2. It is very, very rare for a Great Soul to die a natural death.

  3. Such a sad day but wouldn't he be proud that a black man is running for president? :)

  4. I still cry when I hear this song. Thanks for sharing it - I haven't heard it in a long time.

    Thomas is right...

  5. MLK was truly a geninue treasure and what he could have accomplished. His death was a VERY TRAGIC DAY IN TN.
    Too many events lead me to believe there is still much more than was ever told about his death.
    I think the man JJ who stood on that balcony with him would never have achieved the nortoriety if the MLK had lived.
    Just like the animal in the Lion King states "It's in the past. Learn from it or forget about it"
    I also think MLK would have been applauded by Obama pastor's sermons. Peace be with you

  6. That song expressed more than anyone could write about today.

  7. Hi Nick. An award has been bestowed upon your saintly self. Come and take a look...

  8. The thing is that the desperate who see the tide is turning will do anything to silence the voices of those who speak out.

    But in being violently silenced, they have been and will continue to be heard louder and longer...until... free at last, free at last, thank God almighty we are free at last!


  9. i second what akelamalu said and would like to's long overdue!

  10. We lost a great mind the day he dies. Men like this don't come around often. The world is a better place thanks to his legacy. Sorry you got a nasty comment on this one. Bigotry is alive and well but thankfully not the law of the land as it was in the time of segregation.
